I lay in bed last night talking to my Husband, praying for our friends and lamenting about how to make sense of these things that feel impossible to reconcile with our faith. We know that God is good, He loves us, and He always has a purpose for us; but in times like this can not understand how these circumstances are any of those things. My Husband fell asleep while I was talking and I was left alone with God. That's okay, He's the one I really needed to hear from anyway.
So I asked, "God, how in the world do you expect us to cope with these things? What perspective are we supposed to have, to be able to walk through times like this without crumbling? I know you care about life and death. Your ministry on earth was full of healing, even to the point of bringing people back to life after they had died. We saw that you grieved death yourself. So why is this your 'good and loving' plan for us? Even those who experience miraculous healing will still die eventually. We can't just keep asking you to heal us over and over. You can't save us from death."
Enter God. And His answer was made plain to me.
"Yes. I can. That is exactly what I have done."
Mental jaw drop. How have I not seen it this way before?
He already stepped in to save us from death. ETERNAL DEATH. If we could ever fully grasp the meaning of that; a true end to life, separation from God, from anything and anyone we love or find peace or joy in, absence of anything good, absence of light...if we knew that THIS DEATH WAS OUR FATE! Your fate. My fate. Every loved one's fate. If we were in a place of awareness that this is where we were headed until Jesus stepped in, and He said to us,
"Hey, I can save you from DEATH. You will still have to pass away from Earth, but you will never truly die. And when you leave Earth I have prepared a far better home for you, where everyone we love can be together without pain, sadness, evil, suffering, or any fear of another death, EVER,"
I think we would be willing to face a hundred earthly 'deaths' to be saved from that eternal one. Because death as we know it is not DEATH. And calling it that has probably just made it harder on us. Because that Jesus quote? He did say that. "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies. And whoever lives and believes in me will never die." John 11:25-26
That is the perspective we need to have to face these times without crumbling. Because it's the truth. And it's how we reconcile that God is who He says He is despite any trials we go through here. Because our prognosis before this was devastating. Hopeless. But now the extent of our sadness is missing those who pass away from Earth before us. It is still sad, and our circumstances can still be excruciatingly painful; but not hopeless. It is not the end of the story, because there is no end to the story. Just fullness of life and love, forever, in Heaven.
Press play. I dare you not to stand up, arms stretched to the sky, tears falling to the floor, heart filled with hope when you get to 2:44. Or is that just me :)
Oh, Hell! Where is your victory?
Oh, Church! Come stand in the light.
The glory of God has defeated the night!
Oh, death! Where is your sting?
Oh, death! Where is your sting?
Oh, Hell! Where is your victory?
Oh, Church! Come stand in the light.
Our God is not dead, He's alive, He's ALIVE!
Christ is Risen - Matt Maher
Now I have two questions for us leading out of this post. Because writing this made me realize that most people have a greater reverence and awareness of earthly death than eternal DEATH. So some food for thought:
- If you found out there was a cure for death, would you share it with people? Would you tell everyone you know? Would you stop strangers to tell them, and save them from death? Would you run, yelling about it, down the street?
- If you were told about a cure for death, knowing death is inevitable for you, is there any reason you would not believe it or accept it?
Makes me think about those guys on the street corner holding signs, trying to tell everyone they can about Jesus. They might just have the right idea...
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